Just for size

Just for size

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Levi is 12 weeks old!

Levi is now 12 weeks old! He is taking 8 bottles a day at 45cc a piece. On occasion, I have been nursing him and he has been doing excellent. The lactation consultant weighed him before and after one of his feedings and determined that he took 32cc. His weight is currently 5 lbs 4.9 oz. He has already outgrown some of his preemie outfits. They have moved him all the way down to the lowest level of Oxygen that they give in the NICU - 1/16th of a liter. He recently had a hearing test done that came back perfect. He has another eye exam on Thursday. This Friday at 10:00 a.m. Levi is going to have a hernia repaired on his scrotum. This means that he will have to be reintubated and will be back in the Intensive Care Nursery until he has strength to get back off of the ventilator. They say it should not take very long for him to do this. This morning they did a lower GI on him since he was requiring suppositories to help him use the restroom. The X-ray came back showing that he had no problems. It is most likely due to the hernia that he has been struggling a little in this department. Levi has such a strong Spirit. Continue to pray for him to have great results for his eye exam and for the surgery/recovery to go perfectly.

1 comment:

Scott said...

We'll be praying for Levi's surgery tomorrow and in his other exam. Levi is such a blessing. Levi has already begun touching and blessing people's lives. I am sure it is only the beginning of a legacy that he and God will create. I am so happy for you that nursing is going well!