Just for size

Just for size

Friday, January 25, 2008

Levi had his other surgery.

This morning, Levi had a moderate hernia repaired on his right scrotum. While they were there, they went ahead and checked the left one (it is quite common for individuals who have them on one side to have one on the other as well). They found a small one on the left side and repaired it also. The surgeon told us that he decided to use this time to "sharpen his pencil" as well. Needless to say, our little one was a bit on the sore side. They had to put him on the ventilator for the procedure but were able to take him right back off of it when they were finished (God is soooo good). He is currently on 2 liters of oxygen on the nasal canula and is only requiring 23%. We did discover yesterday that Levi has Stage 1 ROP zone 2 on his eyes. They assured us that this is rarely anything to be concerned over when it is under Stage 3. They will check him once again next week to follow up. Continue to pray that his eyes remain great. On a positive note, Levi was so excited to finally get to meet his Aunt Jennifer this morning. In the NICU, they have very strict guidelines as far as how many people we can bring in with us. Despite the fact that we were not able to add her to our list, they allowed me to bring her in since she was waiting with me through his surgery (Thanks Aunt Jen, we love you!)

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