Just for size

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Levi is here!
On October 27th, we were sitting in the living room and I was commenting on the fact that Levi was kicking pretty good. All of a sudden, I looked at my husband and said "we have to go to the hospital". My water had broken. My lovely sister who "just happened" to be staying with us was able to put the kids to bed as we raced off to Lexington Medical Center. Upon arrival, we told them that we were 23 1/2 weeks pregnant. Immediately, they took me to Labor and Delivery where the sweetest nurse came in and told me that the only thing I could do was to pray that the Dr. would decide to have me taken to Richland Memorial. She grabbed my hand and began to pray with me. As soon as she said the word "Amen", a nurse came in and said that I was being rushed to Richland (Praise the Lord!!!). After going code to the hospital with my husband following right behind me, we were admitted to a room where they wanted to do an ultrasound. We had just had one showing that the baby was breach and the Dr. at Lexington believed me to be 5 cm dilated. If this was the case, they informed me that it would require a c-section for myself and no hope for my child. After looking at the ultrasound, the Dr. at Richland discovered that the baby was now head down (Hooray) and that I was only 1 - 3 cm dilated. A team of doctors came in to let us know that if the baby was born between now and 24 weeks that they would not be able to treat the baby. It is only after 24 weeks that they consider a baby to be "viable" and worth saving. Full of faith, we prayed and believed that God would protect us and see us through at least 3 more days. A nurse then came in and said that it was inevitable for anyone who had broken their water prematurely to become infected and the baby would have to be taken. Again, I prayed and believed God that that would not be the case for me. In Psalm 91, God specifically promised me in my Spirit that "No plague would come near my tent" and that God was going to give Levi a "long life and sustain him". The nurse did encourage us that some women can lay in the bed for the duration of their pregnancy which would have been February 19th for us. I was completely prepared to lay there for the next four months so I could be his incubator. On October 30th, we finally reached our "Oasis" as my doctor called it of 24 WEEKS :) They moved me to a room on the East wing where other women, like myself, wait and wait perfectly still for the arrival of their babies. That evening, I felt Levi moving around a good bit and asked my husband to press the nurse button. His grandparents that we were visiting with were asked to leave the room for a moment while they hooked me up to the monitor to make sure I wasn't beginning to have contractions. The doctor came in and was getting ready to do an ultrasound when all of a sudden she decided to "take a peek" J and realized that his head was crowning. Just as in the movies, it was "STAT" and off we flew down the hall to the nearest delivery room. We entered into a room of about 15 doctors just watching in awe as I had our beautiful son - at 24 weeks. The entire time, I just kept for praying aloud and thanking God– sometimes in the Spirit - for his perfect health and protection. We know that he is a miracle and a gift from God. We are just thankful to be considered Levi's parents. Later that night we learned that he was born at 8:09 pm weighing 1 lb 9.2 oz and measuring 12 5/8 inches in length. We got to go to his room once he was considered stable. I put his little hand around my pinky finger and we said his first good night prayer with him. He is so beautiful. Ever since then, we have been blessed with praise reports from his doctors and nurses. Two mornings ago, they did an ultrasound on his head to determine if there was any bleeding or other concerns. God just told me to thank him that Levi has the mind of Christ. Just this morning, we got the report from his nurses that the Ultrasound came back saying he was normal, normal, normal J. We serve a big God. We are blessed and know that Levi is covered by the Blood of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and surrounded with warring and ministering angels. Jesus is in the business of doing miracles. It is our prayer that God would use Levi to bring others to believe in and know Him on a personal level. We have peace that surpasses all understanding and joy in all circumstances. It is our desire and hope that each and every one of you will begin to live your lives this way. Every moment is a blessing. We love all of you and are soooooo thankful to have you in our lives. God bless you richly in His great abundance!!!
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