Just for size

Just for size

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Levi is 11 weeks old!

Levi is 11 weeks old! He currently weighs 4 lbs. 13.7 oz. Today, Levi was ordered to receive all 8 bottles @ 42cc/every 3 hours. We are so excited. They are once again adding neosure to his milk for extra calories as well as a little bit of iron. This afternoon was very special for me, I nursed him for the very first time. He acted as though he had been doing it his entire life. He is already so smart! He has also been receiving a breathing treatment two times a day. His oxygen was switched from 1 liter (blended) to 1/8th of a liter (wall). Despite the fact that we are anxious for him to come home, we want to make sure that it is truly in God's timing. Levi had a desat lastnight while we were visiting that went all the way down to 18 but he did not brady (his heart rate stayed up) and he did not require any blow by to bring his sats back up. I feel as though we are in the last stretch of a race. The end is in sight but we have to remind ourselves that we still have just a little bit more to go. Please pray for us to be patient and for our home to be completely prepared for his arrival as well. We give God complete glory for Levi and how well he is doing.

PS. I forgot to add that they did another eye exam this past Friday the 11th. It too came back perfect (Stage Zero ROP - Zone 2)(Hooray!)

1 comment:

Scott said...

Praise God for the eye exam, yeah! That is great that he is off of caffiene and didn't brady! It's funny because we became impatient as it was getting closer for Abigail to be able to come home and then they said it was time and we were like "what!?" We were a little scared b/c she occasionally desated still but the monitor they send home helped to ease any fears we had. It'll will be so wonderful when Levi can rest peacefully in his own house. I bet the nurses will miss him!